
Photo by Pavan Trikutam on Unsplash

I developed the skill to communicate effectively through my education, work experience, and personal life. This skill was important in my past jobs, and is very important in my current job when working with students of various ages at a tutouring centre. Being able to communicate and listen well will also be important in my future career path as an educator.

Problem Solving

Photo by Olav Ahrens Røtne on Unsplash

I developed this skill through my work experience. I have had experiences where I have been working alone, and when a crisis occurred I had to create my own solutions. I now am able to respond to crises quickly and find solutions easily. I use these problem solving skills regularly, and will continue to use them in my future career path. This is a useful skill to have in almost any career path.


Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

My teamwork skills have helped me in all of my jobs so far. This is a skill that I began to develop in high school, and continued to develop in university working with other students, and through my work experience with coworkers. This is a skill that is useful in most jobs, and will continue to help me in the future.

Work Ethic

Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

I began developing a good work ethic while in high school through my classes and part time jobs. My worth ethic has helped me in my work experience greatly. It has also helped me to maintain a high GPA in university. This is a skill that is very important to have in every job field, and will continue to help me to succeed in the future.